We met Katelyn through our friends at Catapult Acting Studios in Atlanta. When she relocated to the west coast, Katelyn trained with us in our classes, workshops and camps. She is most know for her recurring role on the #1 cable television show, AMC's The Walking Dead. Katelyn portrays the quiet and mysterious teenager Enid, whom Carl (played by Chandler Riggs) meets shortly after arrival in the...
Originally from Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, Madison Iseman is best known for her role on the CMT comedy television series Still the King, where she played the daughter of Billy Ray Cyrus' character. After making the move to LA, Madison enrolled in John and Japheth’s ongoing classes, attended our summer camps, and privately coached with John and team. Other credits include Modern Family, Henry...
Kira met John in Florida at a weekend workshop and knew she wanted to come to LA for Camp Hollywood. She never went home. Kira starred as Phoebe on Nickelodeon's The Thundermans for five years and 106 episodes. More recently she did season three of Hulu's Light as a Feather, was in Good Trouble with Damon Wayons Jr. and several other movies and guest appearances. She now focuses most of her...
Jordan first came to us in 2011, and took classes with our teachers John D’Aquino and Japheth Gordon for many years. He’s participated in several of our CAMP HOLLYWOOD summer camps where he gained valuable on-set experience and education. With the combination of on-going classes and camps, we’ve helped him book his first guest-star spots and his recurring role on Netflix’s Alexa and...
Jacob started coming to our classes in the Fall of 2018. He wanted to take his training to the next level and participated in our Pilot Prep workshop and our signature Camp Hollywood. With that, on-going classes, and private coaching with a variety of our staff members, he booked his first feature, The Marksman, as a lead opposite Liam Neeson. You can see him in Netflix’s film Home Team...
Judah not only lights up every room he is in, but he is hard working, dedicated, and truly has a love for the craft. Judah was referred to us by his agent and manager in 2019 for our audition preparation, and he hit the ground running with his training. He immediately took our signature Pilot Prep and Sketch ComedyWorkshop, kept up his private coachings for auditions, and attended class weekly....