Saturday Improv Class Ages 10-13
Zoom.uswith Michelle Gilliam For young actors who want to be more free in their choices, more confident in their abilities, and more prepared for every audition or performance opportunity, this class […]
with Michelle Gilliam For young actors who want to be more free in their choices, more confident in their abilities, and more prepared for every audition or performance opportunity, this class […]
with John D'Aquino From the audition to performing on set, this class is designed to prepare actors for a professional career. Weekly lesson plans range from character prep, script analysis, […]
with John D'Aquino For young professionals who take their craft seriously, each lesson is focused on articulating choices and increasing success in front of the camera. Techniques include: Fundamentals of Comedy […]
with John D'Aquino From the audition to performing on set, this class is designed to prepare actors for a professional career. Weekly lesson plans range from character prep, script analysis, […]
To register for classes, please visit John returns to Catapult Acting Studios with classes and new Masterclasses! SCHEDULE SATURDAY, APRIL 22ND Magic Rectangle | Ages 10-16 | 9 AM-11:30 AM We are told that acting is best done […]
FREE SEMINARPARENT SET PROTOCOLDATE April 22ndTIME 11am - 12:30 pm pstEmily Reas is back with her free seminar about what you need to know to be on set!SET PROTOCOL 101 SEMINARWhether it's your first […]
with Carmen Scott Whether you’re new to the industry or a young professional looking to sharpen your skills, this class is a perfect fit. We use a variety of on-set […]
John in Cleveland June 9 – 11, 2023 Description: JDAW is back this Summer with acting classes for youths, teens, and adults! SCHEDULE FRIDAY, JUNE 23rd MAGIC RECTANGLE YOUTH Class| Age Range: […]
Join us the Summer of 2023 for our signature event!Sessions are partially online via Zoom and in-person in LADATES July 6th-8th: Virtual Classes/RehearsalsJuly 11th-17th: In-Person Filming NOTE: Additional rehearsals and table read will be scheduled prior to camp classes […]
DATES July 31st- August 4thTIME 9 AM-4 PMAGES 10-18 LOCATION BurbankCAMP READY, SET, ACT!!! is a nuts and bolts, essential camp that is designed to help actors prepare to work in a professional setting. Actors learn […]