Regional workshops are your chance to study with our best instructors in your hometown! John and his team bring his most popular classes and workshops to you! We have weekend regional workshops in several states and are adding new cities and regions all the time. Topics include:
Advanced Scene Study
John’s Active Interrogation Technique
John’s Magic Rectangle
How to Master the Virtual Audition
The Art of Self Tapes
On-Camera Performance
How To Make Funny
From Audition To Callback
Master The Disney & Nick Test Scene
Stranger Kids / Teens (Stranger Things)
Booking The Procedural Drama
Modern Family Style
CW Drama
Scene Objective, Conflict, and The Unfolding Moment
Each of these classes aims to identify the strength’s of each actor, their weaknesses and then help them formulate a blueprint for their development. Please check the right side of our homepage for the most current offerings and purchase the workshop in the workshops tab of our shopping section. And if you have an acting school or workshop and would like John and his staff to teach in your town, contact us at [email protected] for more information.